Best Booked for

- Stunning malambo dancers perform intense and dramatic dance routines backed by powerful drumming
- Our skilled malambo drumming troupe will highlight your special event with fast paced movements and loud beat techniques that involve drumming and a form of tap dancing
- Treat your audience to a dynamic and rhythmic drumming troupe and dance troupe that will deliver an epic and unforgettable live performance that is bound to leave lasting impressions
- Our incredible malambo dance show is a dramatic blend of powerful rhythms, intricate footwork and intense drumming that’s sure to impress any audience.

This team has provided the best and most unique entertainment out there since 2007. Today they are known for providing the fastest and most unique talents in the business. Since 2016 they are also based in Kiev Ukraine, La Havana Cuba, Mexico city Mexico and Cali Colombia.they are working as sponsors of many circus schools around the world providing to quality teachers and choreographers creating unique acts and complete concepts
A highly interactive performance that makes you feel a part of the show
Circus show providing many marvelous acts that will wow your audience, shows containing bubble show including some awesome juggling acts and some aerial shows like trapeze and straps and on top of that an incredible mind blowing wheel of death show